Big changes proposed for NFP financial reporting
The AASB have just released their long anticipated exposure drafts relating to future financial reporting requirements for private sector NFP entities. These changes will mean that certain NFP entities are no longer able to prepare special purpose financial statements and will introduce a third tier of accounting standards which is able to be used by some NFP entities.
These proposals are still in exposure draft phase and therefore you have an opportunity to provide feedback – once the final standards are released it will be too late.
The comment period is open until 28 February 2025, and we encourage all our potentially affected clients to reach out to your Lowe Lippmann contact to discuss the impact on your financial statements as well as providing direct feedback to the AASB.
In summary, these proposals are:
Further information about getting involved and additional resources are available on the AASB website on
Please do not hesitate to contact your Lowe Lippmann Relationship Partner if you wish to discuss any of these matters further.
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