Response to Impact of COVID-19The business disruption of COVID-19 is real and moving fast. We understand the social and economic implications this is causing and the importance of implementing management policies and strategies to get through this crisis from a financial and operational perspective. |
How we can assist youThe significant threat of COVID-19 and its impact on many businesses is of huge concern. The current uncertainty of the global economy is creating risks that entities may not have encountered before. Management and governance bodies need to assess:
Maintaining control over finances and financial reporting is more important than ever. We are here to assist you and advise you during these uncertain times. Please feel free to contact us if required. In addition to the links below , we will forward to you in due course a summary of the latest tax and cash flow incentives we have prepared which are available to many businesses.
The greatest thing we can do for you, our clients is talk to you about how to solve your most challenging problems right now. Whether it is managing and shoring up cash flow; taking advantage of the SME tax concessions recently announced; assisting with meeting reporting obligations or just acting as a sounding board. We are here for you! |
Our teams are working remotelyWe have taken the measure for our staff, were possible, to work remotely until further notice. Our staff have been equipped with the necessary equipment to work remotely and are readily accessible via email and telephone. We will be conducting all face-to-face meetings remotely via telephone, teleconference or video conferencing. We are adapting to this new working arrangement by increasing the usage of online platforms to communicate and share information between staff and clients in different locations. |
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