The Australian Taxation Office (ATO) has recently issued draft guidance, which sets out the ATO’s new compliance approach, in relation to trust distributions and “reimbursement agreements”.
The ATO focus is on trust distributions made to beneficiaries to achieve a tax advantage where the funds relating to the distributions are not paid out to a beneficiary or are in some way reimbursed by the beneficiary back to the trustee or other parties.
The legislation that this guidance is based on (ie. section 100A of Income Tax Assessment Act 1936) was introduced over 40 years ago with the intention to counter tax avoidance arrangements where a specially introduced low tax (or tax exempt) beneficiary was made presently entitled to income of a trust estate in such a way that the trustee was relieved of any tax liability on the income.
Broadly, this guidance will apply to circumstances where:
When applied by the ATO, this guidance can deem the trustee (rather than the beneficiary presently entitled to a trust distribution) liable for the tax payable at the top marginal tax rate.
Importantly, there are exclusions from the scope of section 100A where an agreement was not entered into or carried out for a purpose of reducing that person’s income tax liability, and where an arrangement is considered to be an ‘ordinary family or commercial dealing’.
The purpose of the guidance is to provide the ATO’s view about each element of these arrangements and give taxpayers an indication of what circumstances this anti-avoidance legislation may be applied to.
The ATO’s new guidance is set to invalidate many commonly made trust distributions, including distributions to adult children, grandparents and even bucket companies. It will challenge some traditional family trust distribution strategies and will impact the required thinking around trustee resolutions as early as 30 June 2022.
The concept of a “reimbursement agreement” is so broad that many common arrangements involving trust distributions are exposed to its application.
Consideration is always given to whether a reimbursement agreement exists triggering section 100A whenever a trustee of a discretionary trust makes a distribution in any of the following circumstances:
Particular common transactions which now may be at risk include:
These examples are not intended to be exhaustive and are by no means the only factual circumstances to which the ATO considers that section 100A could apply.
It is important to note that the underlying legislation (in section 100A) has been in place for over 40 years and the ATO has accepted some (or all) of these examples as being acceptable family arrangements to date.
The ATO is releasing this new compliance guidance to warn that the ATO now intends to take a closer look at certain trust arrangements (like the non-exhaustive examples listed above), and if the exemptions do not apply, then the ATO is likely to ask further questions or commence a review.
While the guidance is still in draft form, and subject to further consultation by accounting and legal industry bodies, the approach has been closely considered by the ATO over many years and we anticipate that much of the content of the guidance will likely remain in the final versions.
We must state that there is no doubt the ATO has a keen focus on many Australian trusts and their historical pattern of trust distributions in its ongoing concerns of perceived income splitting, particular involving family arrangements.
We will continue to watch how the guidance develops and keep you informed of further developments.
Please do not hesitate to contact your Lowe Lippmann Relationship Partner if you wish to discuss any of these matters further.
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