The Victorian Government has announced a flood relief package to support Victorian businesses incurring significant direct flood damage during the Victorian flood events that commenced in October 2022, with two streams of support available:
Immediate flood relief grant
Businesses directly impacted by the recent Victorian floods can access a one-off grant of $5,000 to cover immediate expenses. Businesses must be located within an eligible Local Government Area (search for LGAs here) and incurred significant direct damage to their place of business, business assets, stock or equipment.
Eligible businesses can apply for the grant to cover expenses incurred from direct flood damage including for (but not limited to):
It is important to carefully consider the program guidelines (click here) before making an application. Some frequently asked questions (click here) have also been provided to help explain details of the program.
Applications need to be made directly via the Business Victoria website (click here) before 4pm on Friday 13 January 2023 or earlier if funds are exhausted.
Applications will be assessed on a first-in, first-served basis.
Business Relief Service
The Business Relief Service is a free service offering one-on-one support from a local business mentor who will be available via telephone and on the ground to guide business owners through the available Commonwealth, state and local supports. They can also help you manage insurance and landlord issues, assess impacts and form strategies for recovery.
To access the Business Relief Service, the Business Victoria hotline (13 22 15) will connect you with dedicated mentors and support.
Please do not hesitate to contact your Lowe Lippmann Relationship Partner if you wish to discuss any of these matters further.
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